Tutorial05 demonstrates how to provide multiple definitions for a type. The type 'units' is first defined as the string literal "pixel(s)" and additionally as "calibrated units".
As a result, once the user hits the corresponding position during input, an autocompletion menu will be displayed to select between the two.
For details, see also
<!doctype html>
<!-- The HTML element that will hold the editor -->
<div id="nls-container"></div>
<!-- The only javascript file needed for nlScript -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@nlscript/nlscript@0.3.0/dist/umd/nlScript.js"></script>
<!-- Load the library for the actual processing -->
<script src="preprocessing.js"></script>
let preprocessing = new Preprocessing("output");
let parser = new nlScript.Parser();
// 1. Define the type "units" as the string literal "pixel(s)"
parser.defineType("units", "pixel(s)", pn => false);
// 2. Define the type "units" as the string literal "calibrated units"
parser.defineType("units", "calibrated units", pn => true);
parser.defineType("filter-size", "{stddev:float} {units:units}", pn => {
let stddev = pn.evaluate("stddev");
// Note that the "units" type evaluates to a Boolean, which is true if "calibrated units" was
// parsed, and false if "pixel(s)" was parsed
let units = pn.evaluate("units");
// Convert stddev to pixel units in case it was specified in calibrated units
stddev /= preprocessing.getPixelWidth();
return stddev;
}, true);
"Apply Gaussian blurring with a standard deviation of {stddev:filter-size}.",
pn => {
let stdDev = pn.evaluate("stddev");
return undefined;